Carnaval no Brasil? Chegue ao seu destino preferido pedindo de carona!
Carnaval no Brasil tá chegando.. começa em 2 semanas. Como esse ano eu não estarei por lá, me resta sentar numa cadeira e escrever esse post com uma retrospectiva dos últimos 4 anos indo curtir o carnaval na base do dedão! huashaushuashCaronando de vários lugares até chegar no carnaval de Raul Soares (minha cidade natal, no interior de Minas Gerais), cheguei a fazer vídeo até em outras línguas que era pra servir de informação pra alguns amigos que algum dia queiram fazer o mesmo trajeto caronando, e que era pra fazer graça pro "International Carnival of Raul Soares"! hahah
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Carnaval Internacional de Raul Soares - tive que ilustrar pra mostrar que é logo ali!! |
De Belo Horizonte a Raul Soares, com duas nordestinas doidas em 2010
Vamos começar em 2010, então. Sem escrever historinhas demais, fica o vídeo desse ano.
É, acredite se quiser, mas a carona que parou pra gente aí era uma prima minha que tava vindo de São Paulo com seu marido direto pro carnaval de Raul Soares hahahah Carona mais que inusitada e diretona! (Eu lembro o calor que fazia esse dia, igual sempre fez, sempre faz e sempre fará, né)
Belo Horizonte a Raul Soares, com uma amiga semi-raulsoarense em 2011
Em 2011 a gente foi mais doido, saímos de carona de dentro da PUC lá no São Gabriel (do outro lado da cidade) de carona com um amigo da Letícia que resolveu do nada que queria ser nossa primeira carona na nossa aventura pedindo carona a noite rumo a Raul Soares.
Já eram umas 11 horas da noite e a gente ainda desceu do ônibus em outra saída da cidade, indo pra sentido errado. Ficamos lá pedindo carona até um cara que parou pra fazer xixi vir dizer pra gente que não tinha sentido algum a gente estar ali se íamos pra outro lado. Ok, nos viramos e chegamos na saída certa.
No meio do nosso trajeto, chegamos em Ouro Preto durante a madrugada e - porquê não? - resolvemos curtir o resto da madrugada curtindo carnaval lá mesmo! Aí quando amanheceu, pegamos estrada rumo a Raul Soares.
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Belo Horizonte a Raul Soares, agora in english depois de tomar umas vodka em 2012
Eu ainda nem conhecia a Day até esse dia que a gente resolveu se encontrar pelas 18h em um ponto de BH e pegar ônibus pra saída da cidade, pra de lá pedir carona rumo a Raul Soares. Ela que é linda e inteligente, nos trouxe vodka e energético que a gente foi tomando dentro do ônibus mesmo, durante umas meia hora que ficamos agarrados no bendito trânsito de toda sexta-feira de carnaval. Chegamos lá onde fomos pedir carona já meio lezados já. E eu fui fazer o vídeo em ingrêis, né? Com um ingrêis belezura, mas que ainda serve de ajuda pros gringo que não entende meu português da roça.
De São Paulo a Raul Soares, en español porque eu tava voltando da Argentina em 2013
Seguindo a linha do carnaval internaixxxonal, porquê não um videozim em espanhol pros nossos amigos hermanos da América do Sul aprenderem a chegar em Raul também? Se bem que o espanhol baleado não durou muito e acabei trocando de novo pra portuguêix quando vi que minha situação não era das melhores. hahaha Eu tava na Argentina uma ou duas semanas atrás, tava voltando só por causa do carnaval de Raul e já tava super ansioso e com pressa nesse dia porque já era dia do carnaval começar, quinta!
Se tiver ficado curioso pra saber mais detalhes dessa história, aproveita que cheguei a escrever um post contando com mais detalhes aqui.
Quem quiser ver a prova que o carnaval de Raul Soares é mesmo internacional, clique aqui pra ver o vídeo do Fabián, meu amigo argentino que foi de Buenos Aires num vôo direto pra BH e de BH um ônibus direto pra Raul Soares nesse ano.
Aprende a ir, mas não desespera porque tem como voltar também!
E uma vez estando em Raul Soares e o carnaval passou, vai começar a dar um desespero em ver a cidade
Na verdade esses são só alguns dos vídeos que peço carona nesses trajetos, se quiserem mesmo dicas de onde pedir carona nesses trechos tente buscar algo assim ou entre em contato que tento ajudar como der.
Mais vídeos relacionados, pra quem possa interessar:
- De Raul Soares a João Monlevade e Belo Horizonte
- Do Rio de Janeiro a Minas Gerais
- De São Paulo a Minas Gerais
- Do Espírito Santo a Minas Gerais
E de brinde, sem ser relacionado com carona:
- Indo curtir uma tarde na represa do Emboque, onde vc tem que ir!
- Eu e uns amigos falando besteira na praça da cidade
Brazilian carnival is knocking the door.. It begins in 2 weeks. Because this year I won't be there, what I can do is sit down in front a computer and write this post with a retrospective of the past 4 years when I got the road in the last days before the carnival heading to my home town in the country!
Hitchhiking from different places anxious to arrive in Raul Soares (my hometown in the countryside of Minas Gerais), I recorded some videos on the road. Some of these videos are also in english (-ish) and spanish (-ish), or mixing everything, as an intent to encourage others to give hitchhiking a try when at the same time I make this joke calling my hometown's carnival as International Carnival of Raul Soares! hahah
Let's start with 2010. Instead of writing too much, I'll just leave this video.
Yeah, believe me, this person who stopped for us is someone known! This is my cousin with her husband coming all the way from São Paulo and going straight to the Raul Soares carnival! hahah That was a very surprising and unexpected ride, because we were in the exit of Belo Horizonte (which is a BIG city!) and we didn't even know that I would have some relatives passing by and with the exact number of available seats that we needed: three! (I just remember how hot it was that day, Gess!!)
In 2011 we made it in a little more "crazy" way. A friend of my friend decided that he would give us our first ride in that night, departuring from inside the campus of PUC São Gabriel university (which is in the other side of the city).
It was already around 11 pm when we finally got in the right exit of the city where we supposed to be 2 hours ago but we couldn't because we got a little lost on the way when a bus driver indicated us a wrong direction where we've tried to hitchhike about 20 minutes until someone tell us we were on the wrong way.
Already on our way there was Ouro Preto, which is a historical city and famous for it's carnival. So - why not? - we just decided to spend the rest of the night enjoying the carnival in the city as we got dropped off just in the middle of it during the dawn. When the sun raised again, we got back to the road heading again to Raul Soares, arriving there in the afternoon.
I didn't even know Day in person until this day when we decided to meet up around 6pm somewhere in Belo Horizonte to take a bus to the border of the city and hitchhike from there to Raul Soares. As she is a smart girl, she brought us vodka and Red Bull which we ended up drinking them all just during the half hour that we had to spend inside the bus stuck on the regular city's traffic of a Friday of carnival. So I made the video in drunk-english-half-drunk-portuguese, but I still believe that it might end up been useful to any unknown foreigner one day.
Following the idea of internationalization of the Raul Soares caaarnival, why not a video now in spanish for our southamerican siblings to learn how to get to the country haciendo dedo (hitchhiking)? Even though it hasn't lasted too much until I give up on speaking spanish and switched back to portuguese because I got pissed off with my situation on a hard and rainy day to get a ride on the road. hahah I was actually coming back from Argentina, where I was two weeks ago, and I was back just for this carnival! I was extremely anxious and in a hurry to finally arrived in the for the first carnival day, and it was already thursday!
If you're curious to know more about this trip, I've wrote a post about it with more details here (only in portuguese and spanish unfortunately, but you may try Google translation).
If you wanna see how Raul Soares carnival is international, check out this video to see my guest Fabián, a friend from Argentina who came all the way from Buenos Aires taking a flight to Belo Horizonte and a bus straight to Raul Soares for the carnival in that year.
And once you're in Raul Soares and the carnival has ended, you might start to get desperate because the city isjust dead calm and empty without all those people drinking and dancing and so you find yourself without any option of what to do. In this case then, I'm here to help you again, 'lright? Watch this video to learn how to get back to Belo Horizonte hitchhiking:
These are actually just a few of the videos that I've made hitchhiking in those routes, if you really want some extra tips/advices/etc just try Googling something like this or get in touch and I'll try to help you as much as I can.
A few other videos hitchhiking-related for those who might be interested:
As a plus but not related to hitchhiking:
Hitchhiking from different places anxious to arrive in Raul Soares (my hometown in the countryside of Minas Gerais), I recorded some videos on the road. Some of these videos are also in english (-ish) and spanish (-ish), or mixing everything, as an intent to encourage others to give hitchhiking a try when at the same time I make this joke calling my hometown's carnival as International Carnival of Raul Soares! hahah
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International Carnival of Raul Soares - I illustrated it so you don't get lost :) |
From Belo Horizonte to Raul Soares, with two northeastern crazy friends in 2010
Let's start with 2010. Instead of writing too much, I'll just leave this video.
Yeah, believe me, this person who stopped for us is someone known! This is my cousin with her husband coming all the way from São Paulo and going straight to the Raul Soares carnival! hahah That was a very surprising and unexpected ride, because we were in the exit of Belo Horizonte (which is a BIG city!) and we didn't even know that I would have some relatives passing by and with the exact number of available seats that we needed: three! (I just remember how hot it was that day, Gess!!)
Belo Horizonte to Raul Soares, with a half-compatriot friend in 2011
In 2011 we made it in a little more "crazy" way. A friend of my friend decided that he would give us our first ride in that night, departuring from inside the campus of PUC São Gabriel university (which is in the other side of the city).
It was already around 11 pm when we finally got in the right exit of the city where we supposed to be 2 hours ago but we couldn't because we got a little lost on the way when a bus driver indicated us a wrong direction where we've tried to hitchhike about 20 minutes until someone tell us we were on the wrong way.
Already on our way there was Ouro Preto, which is a historical city and famous for it's carnival. So - why not? - we just decided to spend the rest of the night enjoying the carnival in the city as we got dropped off just in the middle of it during the dawn. When the sun raised again, we got back to the road heading again to Raul Soares, arriving there in the afternoon.
part 1/2
part 2/2
Belo Horizonte to Raul Soares, now in english after drinking some vodka in 2012
I didn't even know Day in person until this day when we decided to meet up around 6pm somewhere in Belo Horizonte to take a bus to the border of the city and hitchhike from there to Raul Soares. As she is a smart girl, she brought us vodka and Red Bull which we ended up drinking them all just during the half hour that we had to spend inside the bus stuck on the regular city's traffic of a Friday of carnival. So I made the video in drunk-english-half-drunk-portuguese, but I still believe that it might end up been useful to any unknown foreigner one day.
From São Paulo to Raul Soares, en español because I was coming back from Argentina in 2013
Following the idea of internationalization of the Raul Soares caaarnival, why not a video now in spanish for our southamerican siblings to learn how to get to the country haciendo dedo (hitchhiking)? Even though it hasn't lasted too much until I give up on speaking spanish and switched back to portuguese because I got pissed off with my situation on a hard and rainy day to get a ride on the road. hahah I was actually coming back from Argentina, where I was two weeks ago, and I was back just for this carnival! I was extremely anxious and in a hurry to finally arrived in the for the first carnival day, and it was already thursday!
If you're curious to know more about this trip, I've wrote a post about it with more details here (only in portuguese and spanish unfortunately, but you may try Google translation).
If you wanna see how Raul Soares carnival is international, check out this video to see my guest Fabián, a friend from Argentina who came all the way from Buenos Aires taking a flight to Belo Horizonte and a bus straight to Raul Soares for the carnival in that year.
I taught you how to go, but don't panic! I teach you how to go back too!
And once you're in Raul Soares and the carnival has ended, you might start to get desperate because the city is
These are actually just a few of the videos that I've made hitchhiking in those routes, if you really want some extra tips/advices/etc just try Googling something like this or get in touch and I'll try to help you as much as I can.
A few other videos hitchhiking-related for those who might be interested:
- From Raul Soares to João Monlevade and Belo Horizonte
- From Rio de Janeiro to Minas Gerais
- From São Paulo to Minas Gerais
- From Espírito Santo to Minas Gerais
As a plus but not related to hitchhiking:
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