So, I don't have much plans yet but I got one mission: to cross the water from Sjælland to Jylland by hitchhiking! (*)
I'll try now to point on a map all the "vikings" (and foreigners as well) that I know who live all over DK to - maybe - pay them a one day visit, and to get me some possible shelters around in case I'm cold and stuck by the roads - what is often not so common, though - as the average temperature has been 5ºC around here. Grrr smile emoticon
My start point is Odense, where I've been surviving (joking) for almost two years now!
If you know some cool people in Denmark, tag them in the comments! Who knows they're open to have me over, have some warm coffee, chat about South America, hitchhiking, geeky stuff or whatever smile emoticon like emoticonBesides of been a hitchhiker, I'm also a developer of mobile apps and a drag queen on the weekend nights! (I'm kidding about the last part tongue emoticon )
Det ska bli kul!
(*) FYI: Sjælland is the island where Copenhagen is, Jylland is the continental part of the country.
Follow the Facebook page if you wanna see how it goes!
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