Uma carona com o príncipe dinamarquês Henrik
A estudante de enfermagem Sus Thorsøe mora numa pequena ilha dinamarquesa chamada Bornholm e frequentemente pede carona para chegar à sua universidade, que fica na cidade de Rønne. Domingo passado ao conseguir mais uma carona, ela fico surpresa ao perceber quem havia parado pra ela.
Dentro da van havia um grupo de caçadores, dos quais Sus pôde reconhecer alguns por já haver-los visto em revistas semanais. Ao entrar no carro ela não pode notar que lá dentro também estava o príncipe dinamarquês (!) Henrik entre todos aqueles homens vestidos com roupas de caça. Mas logo ela se deu conta de que quem estava atrás do volante, ou seja, quem literalmente havia parado pra dar carona pra ela foi o próprio príncipe Henrik, afirma o jornal DR Bornholm.
"Quando me virei eu descobri que era o Príncipe atrás do volante. Então foi ele que tinha parado para me pegar. Isso causou muitas risadas no carro ", diz Sus.
Mais tarde, a Corte Real dinamarquesa confirmou que o príncipe Henrik tinha dado uma carona no domingo. O incidente aconteceu enquanto o Príncipe Consorte foi visitar a ilha dinamarquesa para se divertir em uma caça em grupo com seus amigos.
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Príncipe Henrik |
De acordo com a emissora dinamarquesa TV 2, não é a primeira vez que o príncipe Henrik dá uma carona para alguém. Durante uma visita à ilha dinamarquesa 'Ertholmene' em 2008, o príncipe Henrik havia oferecido carona em seu iate real ao gerente da ilha, Peter Riis, porque o gerente estava atrasado para um jantar de família em outra ilha.
Este post foi originalmente postado em inglês aqui (visite o post original para ver fotos do Príncipe Henrik).
Este post foi originalmente postado em inglês aqui (visite o post original para ver fotos do Príncipe Henrik).
Sus Thorsøe from the small Danish island of Bornholm sticks her thumb in the air on a regular basis in order to get to the island’s largest town, Rønne, where she is studying at the nursing school. However, on Sunday she got quite the surprise when she realised who had picked her up.
Inside the dark blue Volkswagen van was a group of hunters including several who Sus recognised from the weekly magazines. To begin with Sus couldn’t see Prince Henrik inside the Volkswagen among the hunting-clad men, but it turned out that the Prince was present because Prince Henrik was actually sitting behind the wheel, writes local newspaper DR Bornholm.
“When I turned around I discovered that it was the Prince himself behind the wheel. So it was he who had stopped to pick me up. It caused a great deal of laughs in the car,” says Sus.
Later the Danish Royal Court confirmed that Prince Henrik had picked up a hitchhiker on Sunday. The incident happened while the Prince Consort was visiting the Danish island to go buck hunting with his buddies.
According to the Danish broadcaster TV 2 it’s not the first time Prince Henrik gives a ride to a hitchhiker. During an island visit to the Danish ‘Ertholmene’ in 2008, Prince Henrik offered a ride on the royal yacht to island manager Peter Riis as the manager was running late to a family dinner on another island.
This text was originally posted here (check it to see photos from Prince Henrik).
Inside the dark blue Volkswagen van was a group of hunters including several who Sus recognised from the weekly magazines. To begin with Sus couldn’t see Prince Henrik inside the Volkswagen among the hunting-clad men, but it turned out that the Prince was present because Prince Henrik was actually sitting behind the wheel, writes local newspaper DR Bornholm.
“When I turned around I discovered that it was the Prince himself behind the wheel. So it was he who had stopped to pick me up. It caused a great deal of laughs in the car,” says Sus.
Later the Danish Royal Court confirmed that Prince Henrik had picked up a hitchhiker on Sunday. The incident happened while the Prince Consort was visiting the Danish island to go buck hunting with his buddies.
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Prince Henrik |
According to the Danish broadcaster TV 2 it’s not the first time Prince Henrik gives a ride to a hitchhiker. During an island visit to the Danish ‘Ertholmene’ in 2008, Prince Henrik offered a ride on the royal yacht to island manager Peter Riis as the manager was running late to a family dinner on another island.
This text was originally posted here (check it to see photos from Prince Henrik).
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