Tramprennen, minha experiência num campeonato de caronas pela Europa 2016
No dia 19 de Agosto eu peguei um trem da cidade de Munique, na Alemanha, até a cidade vizinha, Freising. Freising era um dos pontos de origem do Tramprennen, um campeonato de caronas que tenta ser um campeonato internacional mas acaba sendo basicamente só um campeonato Alemāo mesmo, como você poderá notar no decorrer deste post. Haviam times de caroneiros começando a partir de diversas partes da Alemanha, mas o destino final de todo mundo que participava do campeonato deste ano era a Bulgária.As 6 opções de rotas que os times tiveram pra escolher no Tramprennen 2016. 5 começando da Alemanha e 1 da Áustria. |
Era pra eu ter no meu time uma outra pessoa que nāo fala alemão, uma menina da Sérvia, que decidiu pela internet formar uma equipe comigo e um alemão. Acabou que nenhum deles realmente vieram pro campeonato, e com disso eu acabei sendo o único a participar do campeonato começando a partir da cidade de Freising sem na verdade ter um time. O que mais que eu podia fazer? É obrigatório que montar nossos times antes que o campeonato comece, essa é uma exigência dos organizadores do campeonato.
Apesar de que esta soe como uma história triste, algo massa me aconteceu. Durante os dias do campeonato, 3 times me ofereceram voluntariamente pra eu me juntar a eles em pelo menos uma das 6 etapas do campeonato.
Em total no campeonato, nós éramos cerca de 150 pessoas, e a gente provavelmente pediu carona por todas as rodovias possíveis que levassem rumo à parte leste da Europa. Na rota que eu escolhi, a rota que começava da cidade de Freising, nós éramos cerca de 25 dessas pessoas, divididas em um total de 10 times. Todas essas pessoas sabiam falar Inglês, mas como eu era o único que nāo falava Alemāo no grupo, eles frequentemente ignoravam minha presença e mantinham a maior parte de suas conversas falando Alemāo.
Dia 29 de Agosto é dia do meu aniversário. Com isso, na noite do meu aniversário eu estava sentado na minha barraca opcionalmente acompanhado apenas de mim mesmo, e cozinhando uma sopa deliciosa de vegetais que eu havia
A coisa mais massa de toda essa história é que o time que
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No último dia oficial do nosso campeonato de caronas, Tramprennen 2016, quando todos os participantes de todas as rotas estavam presentes sentados à beira do lago Tsigov Chark - o destino final do campeonato -, todos os times estavam sendo chamados pelos seus nomes enquanto suas pontuaçōes eram anunciadas. O Jakob e a Hannah, os vencedores da nossa rota, me fizeram ser reconhecido como parte do time deles na frente de todo mundo.
Liveticker - Hannah, Jakob, Leo - Time InternationAllgäu - chegada ao lago Tsigov Chark, Bulgaria. |
A lista completa dos países pelos quais passamos durante esse campeonato é: Alemanha, Áustria, Eslovênia, Croácia, Hungria, Sériva, Romênia e Bulgária.
Talvez você também tenha interesse em conferir a Parte 2 deste post, com título Duas semanas intensivas pedindo caronas e acampando da Alemanha até a Bulgária, onde você encontrará um mapa detalhado da rota e uma playlist de vídeos que gravei durante os dias do campeonato.
150 caroneiros(as) reunidos no destino final do campeonato de caronas Tramprennen 2016. Lago Tsigov Chark, Bulgária. |
On the 19th of August I jumped on a train from Munich in Germany towards a neighbor town, Freising. Freising was going to be one of the starting points of Tramprennen, a hitchhiking race that tries to be an international race but falls back to being basically just German, as you'll notice throughout this blog post. Teams of hitchhikers have started from many different parts of Germany, but everybody's destination for this year's race was Bulgaria.
From Freising on, the next two weeks I'd be surrounded by other hitchhikers, going across many different countries where I've never been before, camping and living some pretty fun experiences. There was just a small fact that would bug me all the next days: all those hitchhikers were German speakers. It led me later to decide that in the future I should always avoid events or activities with groups of people within which I would be the only non speaker of a certain language that they all speak - specially if they're from Germany.
I was supposed to be in a team with another non German speaker, which was a girl from Serbia who've decided over internet to team up with me and a German guy. Later, it turned out that none of them actually came to the race, therefore I was the only one joining the race in the route that was starting from Freising without actually having a team. What else could I do? It's mandatory that you build your team yourself before the race starts, it's a requirement from the race organisers.If you're a foreign sheep from across the ocean who doesn't have many friends in Germany, the only option you'll have is to find people who seem interested to build a team together over internet, then you build it with them and hope that they'll come.
Even though this sounds like a sad story, something very nice has happened. During the racing days, 3 teams voluntarily offered me to join them in at least one of the 6 stages of the race.Although it also happened once that 2 other teams were playing a game in order to decide which one of them would take me as a part of their team on a next stage, because apparently they felt like they were been socially forced by the others to do so.
On the entire race, we were in total around 150 people, and we've probably hitchhiked in every possible roads towards Eastern part of Europe. On the route that I took, the one starting from the city of Freising, we were around 25 of these people, split into a total of 10 teams. All of them were able to speak English, but as I was the only non German speaker in the group, they've often chosen to just ignore my presence and kept almost all their conversations in German.
The 29th of August happen to be my birthday. So, on my birthday night I was sitting by my own choice in my tent accompanied by myself and cooking a delicious soup of vegetables that I'vestolen picked by the roadside on the day before while hitchhiking somewhere in the countryside of Serbia. By coincidence the two people who form the team that I've hitchhiked mostly with during the race - Jakob and Hannah - eventually visited me in my tent to chat a bit, and besides the fact that none of them actually got to know that it was my birthday, it felt for me like we were celebrating that date a bit together. I've got to mention that Hannah had brought a bottle of wine with her and so I ended up even having some wine on my secret celebration. =)
The nicest thing in this whole story is that the team thatLeo, the extra-wheel I ended up hitchhiking mostly with - Jakob and Hannah - were the ones who ended up winning the first position of our route. This means that among all the teams who took the same route as us, Jakob and Hannah were the ones who've scored more points during the whole race.
On the last official day of our race Tramprennen 2016, when everyone from every route were all present sitting by Tsigov Chark lake - the final destination of the race -, all the teams were having their names called while their total points were announced. Jakob and Hannah, the winners of our route, made me be acknowledged as part of their team in front of everyone else.
The complete list of countries that we've been through during this race is: Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria.
You may also want to check the Part 2 of this blog post called Hardcore hitchhiking and camping during two weeks from Germany to Bulgaria where you can find a detailed map of this route and watch a playlist of videos that we've recorded during the race days.
The 6 options of routes that the teams could opt to take for Tramprennen 2016. 5 starting from Germany and 1 from Austria. |
I was supposed to be in a team with another non German speaker, which was a girl from Serbia who've decided over internet to team up with me and a German guy. Later, it turned out that none of them actually came to the race, therefore I was the only one joining the race in the route that was starting from Freising without actually having a team. What else could I do? It's mandatory that you build your team yourself before the race starts, it's a requirement from the race organisers.
Even though this sounds like a sad story, something very nice has happened. During the racing days, 3 teams voluntarily offered me to join them in at least one of the 6 stages of the race.
On the entire race, we were in total around 150 people, and we've probably hitchhiked in every possible roads towards Eastern part of Europe. On the route that I took, the one starting from the city of Freising, we were around 25 of these people, split into a total of 10 teams. All of them were able to speak English, but as I was the only non German speaker in the group, they've often chosen to just ignore my presence and kept almost all their conversations in German.
The 29th of August happen to be my birthday. So, on my birthday night I was sitting by my own choice in my tent accompanied by myself and cooking a delicious soup of vegetables that I've
The nicest thing in this whole story is that the team that
On the last official day of our race Tramprennen 2016, when everyone from every route were all present sitting by Tsigov Chark lake - the final destination of the race -, all the teams were having their names called while their total points were announced. Jakob and Hannah, the winners of our route, made me be acknowledged as part of their team in front of everyone else.
Liveticker - Hannah, Jakob, Leo - InternationAllgäu team - arrival at Tsigov Chark, Bulgaria. |
The complete list of countries that we've been through during this race is: Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria.
You may also want to check the Part 2 of this blog post called Hardcore hitchhiking and camping during two weeks from Germany to Bulgaria where you can find a detailed map of this route and watch a playlist of videos that we've recorded during the race days.
150 hitchhikers gathered at the final destination of the hitchhiking race Tramprennen 2016. Tsigov Chark lake, Bulgaria. |
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