Pegar um trem sem pagar na Alemanha me rendeu uma multa de 60 euros
Eu não costumo pegar trens, mas eu confesso que me deu preguiça de pedir carona na chuva pra ir da cidade de Munique até a cidade vizinha chamada Freising, na Alemanha. Daí eu tive a brilhante idéia de pegar o trem até Freising sem comprar passagem. Adivinha o quê aconteceu - eu fui pego pelos fiscais de passagens.Eu sempre quis saber como é ser pego sem passagem por fiscais de algum transporte público na Europa, e agora eu tive minha resposta. Tudo aconteceu de maneira bem civilizada, eles não tentaram me constranger ou me fazer ficar envergonha de nada - eles apenas seguiram o procedimento que tinham de seguir, imparcialmente. Eu já sabia o que esperar se eu fosse pego sem passagem algum dia - Já ouvi histórias de alguns amigos europeus que normalmente pegam transportes públicos sem pagar passagem e já foram pegos por fiscais uma ou várias vezes.
Eu fiquei totalmente inabalado com a situaçāo e na verdade nāo me importei nem um pouco por ser multado em 60 euros. Dei meu passaporte pra eles, informei um endereço aleatório qualquer no Brasil pra que eles pudessem me enviar a multa ou seja lá o que quisessem enviar, e em algum momento os ouvi me chamando de "vagabundo" enquanto conversavam em Alemāo entre eels. E, bom.. Quê que eu podia fazer? Acho que vagabundo é exatamente o que eu sou atualmente, de qualquer maneira. Né nāo? :-)
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Minha primeira multa por pegar um transporte público sem passagem, dada por uma empresa ferroviária Alemā enquanto me chamavam de "vagabund" em Alemāo. |
O único detalhe é que essa multa nunca será paga... e se me escreverem qualquer carta, ela nunca chegará até mim. Porque infelizmente minha barraca na verdade nāo tem um endereço.
ATUALIZANDO: Quer saber o porquê diabos eu simplesmente nāo fiquei em Munique e esperei até o próximo dia quando nāo estivesse chovendo pra que eu pudesse pedir carona rumo a Freising em vez de resolver pegar esse trem sem passagem? Confira meu post contando sobre meus próximos dias participando do Tramprennen 2016, um campeonato de caronas pela Europa.
I don't often take trains, but I admit that I was lazy to hitchhike on the rain on my way from the city of Munich to the neighbor town Freising, in Germany. Therefore I had the brilliant idea to black ride the train to Freising. Guess what - I was caught by the ticket controllers.
I always wondered how it is to be caught black riding a public transport in Europe, and now I got my answer. The whole thing was just super civilized, they didn't try to make me feel embarrassed or ashamed of anything - they just followed the procedure that they should follow, impartially. On my side, I already knew what to expect if I should be caught black riding one day - I've heard stories from some European friends who usually black ride and have been caught doing it one or many times.
I was all good and I actually didn't care at all about getting a 60 euros fine. I gave them my passport, informed a random address in Brazil to where they should send the fine or whatever they needed, and then I heard them calling me a "vagabond" while they spoke German among themselves. And well.. What could I do? I guess a vagabond is exactly what I currently am, anyways. Right? :-)
The only detail is that this fine will never be paid... and if they write me a letter, it'll never get to me. Because unfortunately my tent doesn't really have an address.
UPDATING: Wanna know why the hack I didn't just wait for the next day when it wouldn't be raining so that I could hitchhike to Freising instead of black riding this train? Check out my next post telling about my following days joining Tramprennen, a hitchhiking race across Europe 2016.
I always wondered how it is to be caught black riding a public transport in Europe, and now I got my answer. The whole thing was just super civilized, they didn't try to make me feel embarrassed or ashamed of anything - they just followed the procedure that they should follow, impartially. On my side, I already knew what to expect if I should be caught black riding one day - I've heard stories from some European friends who usually black ride and have been caught doing it one or many times.
I was all good and I actually didn't care at all about getting a 60 euros fine. I gave them my passport, informed a random address in Brazil to where they should send the fine or whatever they needed, and then I heard them calling me a "vagabond" while they spoke German among themselves. And well.. What could I do? I guess a vagabond is exactly what I currently am, anyways. Right? :-)
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My first fine for black riding a public transport, given by a German rail company while they called me a "vagabund" in German. |
The only detail is that this fine will never be paid... and if they write me a letter, it'll never get to me. Because unfortunately my tent doesn't really have an address.
UPDATING: Wanna know why the hack I didn't just wait for the next day when it wouldn't be raining so that I could hitchhike to Freising instead of black riding this train? Check out my next post telling about my following days joining Tramprennen, a hitchhiking race across Europe 2016.
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