Indo da Noruega até o sul da Alemanha pedindo carona
No dia 15 de Agosto, logo quando terminou o Encontro europeu de caroneiros perto da cidade de Oslo na Noruega, eu comecei a ir rumo ao rumo sentido parte sul da Alemanha. De lá meu plano era me juntar a um campeonato de caronas rumo a Bulgária.Eu fui sortudo o suficiente pra ter um amigo em Oslo que sabia de uma promoçāo que estava dando passagens de graça num barco que levava de Oslo até Frederikshavn, uma cidade na parte norte da Dinamarca. Entāo felizmente eu nāo precisei cruzar a Suécia pedindo carona novamente (isso poderia me fazer ter que passar um dia a mais caronando). Mas de qualquer maneira, foram aproximadamente 1600km de distância saindo de Oslo na Noruega até o norte da Dinamarca e depois atravessando a Dinamarca até eu chegar a Munique, na Alemanha. Foram 1 caminhão, 4 carros e 1 noite acampado atrás de um posto de gasolina no caminho.
Eu estava vindo rumo a Munique, que é uma cidade bem grande e eu nāo tinha lugar para ficar. Eu já estava pensando em estratégias que eu poderia tentar usar pra encontrar um lugar pra me hospedar quando eu chegasse na cidade, e se nenhuma dessas estratégias funcionassem, eu iria dormir na rua mesmo durante a noite. Mas as ruas estão ficando bastante frias aqui durante a noite.
Pra minha sorte, como de costume, o universo tende a conspirar ao nosso favor. ;) E eu consegui um lugar pra me hospedar. Um amigo está vivendo aqui em Munique há 15 dias em um hotel, e eu recebi uma mensagem dele me contando isso e me oferecendo hospedagem no seu quarto no hotel poucas horas antes de eu chegar à cidade, quando eu ainda estava usando a wi-fi de um posto de gasolina perto da cidade de Nuremberg. Foi assim que eu achei um cantinho aconchegante no tapete de um quarto de hotel pra passar minhas 2 noites aqui em Munique. =)
- ago 15] Oslo, Noruega
[foto / video] - ago 16] Hannover, Alemanha
[foto] - ago 17] Nuremberg, Alemanha
[foto] - ago 18] Munique, Alemanha
[checkin / mapa / foto]
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Seria esse o motivo da minha sorte hoje? Brinquei de convidar minha cantora favorita pra caronar comigo de Oslo pra Alemanha, e ela me desejou boa sorte. :-D Clique aqui pra ver o post original. |
Amanhã já vou indo embora, e em breve eu estarei participando do campeonato de carona europeu Tramprennen (*), rumo a Bulgária!
(*) Tramprennen - a hitchhiking race across Europe
On the 15th of August just after the European hitchhikers gathering ended near Oslo in Norway, I started heading south to the southern part of Germany. From there I wanted to join a hitchhiking race towards Bulgaria.
I was lucky enough to have a friend in Oslo who knew about a campaign that was giving free tickets for a boat from Oslo to Frederikshavn, a town in Northern part of Denmark. So I fortunately didn't have to hitchhike across Sweden again (that could have made me spend at least one day more hitchhiking). But in anyways, it was approximately 1600km from Oslo to Northern Denmark and then hitchhiking across Denmark til I get to Munich, Germany. It was in total 1 truck, 4 cars and 1 night camping behind a gas station on the way.
I was coming to the the big city of Munich without having a place to stay. I was actually already planning strategies that I could try to find myself a place to stay when I get here and if none of them worked, I'd been taking the option of sleeping on the streets for the night. But the streets are getting quite cold during the night.
Fortunately, as usual, the universe tend to deliver whatever we need. ;) And it did deliver me a place to stay. A friend is living in the city since 15 days ago in a hotel, and when I still was using the wifi on a gas station near the city of Nuremberg, I've got a message from him telling me this and offering me to crash in his room if I didn't find somewhere else to stay yet. That was how I found myself a nice little corner on the comfortable carpet of a hotel room to spend my 2 nights in the city. =)
Tomorrow I'm heading off already, and soon I'm joining Tramprennen - a hitchhiking race across Europe towards Bulgaria!
I was lucky enough to have a friend in Oslo who knew about a campaign that was giving free tickets for a boat from Oslo to Frederikshavn, a town in Northern part of Denmark. So I fortunately didn't have to hitchhike across Sweden again (that could have made me spend at least one day more hitchhiking). But in anyways, it was approximately 1600km from Oslo to Northern Denmark and then hitchhiking across Denmark til I get to Munich, Germany. It was in total 1 truck, 4 cars and 1 night camping behind a gas station on the way.
I was coming to the the big city of Munich without having a place to stay. I was actually already planning strategies that I could try to find myself a place to stay when I get here and if none of them worked, I'd been taking the option of sleeping on the streets for the night. But the streets are getting quite cold during the night.
Fortunately, as usual, the universe tend to deliver whatever we need. ;) And it did deliver me a place to stay. A friend is living in the city since 15 days ago in a hotel, and when I still was using the wifi on a gas station near the city of Nuremberg, I've got a message from him telling me this and offering me to crash in his room if I didn't find somewhere else to stay yet. That was how I found myself a nice little corner on the comfortable carpet of a hotel room to spend my 2 nights in the city. =)
- aug 15] Oslo, Norway
[photo / video] - aug 16] Hannover, Germany
[photo] - aug 17] Nuremberg, Germany
[photo] - aug 18] Munich, Germany
[checkin / map / photo]
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Would this be the reason for my luckiness today? I decided to invite my favorite singer just for fun, to join me hitchhiking from Oslo to Germany, and she wished me good luck. :-D Click here to see her original message. |
Tomorrow I'm heading off already, and soon I'm joining Tramprennen - a hitchhiking race across Europe towards Bulgaria!
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