Uma semana pedindo carona pela Suécia
Saí de Copenhagen na segunda-feira, dia 25 de Julho, e comecei a pedir carona pela Suécia. Eu queria ir acampando pelo interior do país e chegar em Estocolmo na sexta-feira. E consegui fazer isso. Muitas coisas aconteceram esses dias.Acampei em praias, em florestas e até dormi na casa de uma pessoas desconhecida - um cara sueco que veio até mim pra me dizer que talvez ninguém iria parar para me dar carona no lugar onde eu estava porque aparentemente os carros sāo proibidos de pararem naquele específico local. A gente assistiu um vídeos engraçados no Youtube, enquanto tomávamos café juntos no sofá da casa dele. Em um dos outros dias da viagem, eu estive cozinhando nu acampado e curtindo um dia cheio de sol numa praia Sueco (foto). Peguei uma carona em um ônibus em um daqueles momentos em que ninguém para pra te dar carona e começa a chover. Também consegui uma carona em um caminhão. E escovei meus dentes à beira do mar durante uma manhã.
Por coincidência eu descobri que a parada gay de Estocolmo ia acontecer justo no dia seguinte ao que cheguei à capital Sueca, e é claro que eu estive lá junto com os caras que estavam me hospedando pelo CouchSurfing. A gente curtiu um dia inteiro em um lago lindo fora da cidade de Estocolmo após uma longa pedalada pelas ciclovias da cidade - porque claro, você tem que curtir um passeio de bicicleta se você está na Escandinávia!
Eu me sinto como se estivesse indo pra academia por caminhar tanto com minha mochila pesada nas costas. Mas graças ao sol de verão surpreendentemente que estava rolando durante esses dias de viagem, eu estava me sentindo cheio de energia pra continuar, e em vez de ficar cansado eu fiquei foi um pouco bronzeado e curti pra caramba.
Amanhã de manhã eu estou partindo caronando rumo a Oslo, a capital da Noruega. Você pode conferir abaixo uma lista de links pra posts, fotos e vídeos que publiquei durante esta semana peindo caronas pela Suécia. Nāo esqueça de conferir a lista de vídeos que gravei durante essa viagem, se você curte mais assistir videos. ;-)
- jul 25] Trelleborg, Suécia
[post / foto] - jul 26] Öland, Suécia
[video / video] - jul 27] Västervik, Suécia
[foto / mapa / foto / video] - jul 28] Nyköping, Suécia
[foto / foto / video / foto] - jul 29] Estocolmo, Suécia
[foto / video / post / foto] - ago 1] Oslo, Noruega
[foto / foto / foto]
Atualizado em: 18/10/2016.
I left Copenhagen on Monday, July 25th, and started hitchhiking through Sweden. I wanted to camp through the countryside and arrive in Stockholm on Friday. And I managed to do it. Many stuff have happened during those days.
I've been camping on beaches, in the woods and I even slept at a stranger's place - a Swedish guy who came to tell that maybe nobody would stop for me on the place where I was standing because apparently it's forbidden for the cars to pull over there. We've watched some funny stuff on Youtube while having a cup of coffee together at his place. In one of the other days of the trip, I've also cooked naked camping just to enjoy that amazing sun by a Swedish beach (photo). I got a ride on a bus in one of those moments when nobody was picking me up and it was raining. Also got a ride on a truck. And brushed my teeth by the sea in the morning.
By coincidence I found out that the gay parade of Stockholm was going to happen just in the next day when I arrived to the capital, and of course I've been there with my CouchSurfing hosts. Together with my hosts in Stockholm I have as well enjoyed a beautiful lake outside of Stockholm after a long bicycle ride - because of course, you've got to ride a bicycle if you're in Scandinavia!
I feel like I'm working out when I'm walking long distances carrying my heavy backpack. But the shinny summer sun is surprisingly giving me a lot of energy to keep going, and instead of getting tiredness I only get tanned and I'm enjoying it a lot.
Tomorrow morning I'm hitchhiking towards Oslo, the capital of Norway. And in the list below you find links to posts, photos and videos of me during this week of hitchhiking in Sweden. Don't forget to check the playlist of videos that I've recorded during this trip, if you feel more like watching videos instead. ;-)
Updated on: 18/10/2016.
I've been camping on beaches, in the woods and I even slept at a stranger's place - a Swedish guy who came to tell that maybe nobody would stop for me on the place where I was standing because apparently it's forbidden for the cars to pull over there. We've watched some funny stuff on Youtube while having a cup of coffee together at his place. In one of the other days of the trip, I've also cooked naked camping just to enjoy that amazing sun by a Swedish beach (photo). I got a ride on a bus in one of those moments when nobody was picking me up and it was raining. Also got a ride on a truck. And brushed my teeth by the sea in the morning.
By coincidence I found out that the gay parade of Stockholm was going to happen just in the next day when I arrived to the capital, and of course I've been there with my CouchSurfing hosts. Together with my hosts in Stockholm I have as well enjoyed a beautiful lake outside of Stockholm after a long bicycle ride - because of course, you've got to ride a bicycle if you're in Scandinavia!
I feel like I'm working out when I'm walking long distances carrying my heavy backpack. But the shinny summer sun is surprisingly giving me a lot of energy to keep going, and instead of getting tiredness I only get tanned and I'm enjoying it a lot.
Tomorrow morning I'm hitchhiking towards Oslo, the capital of Norway. And in the list below you find links to posts, photos and videos of me during this week of hitchhiking in Sweden. Don't forget to check the playlist of videos that I've recorded during this trip, if you feel more like watching videos instead. ;-)
- jul 25] Trelleborg, Sweden
[post / photo] - jul 26] Öland, Sweden
[video / video] - jul 27] Västervik, Sweden
[photo / mapa / photo / video] - jul 28] Nyköping, Sweden
[photo / photo / video / photo] - jul 29] Stockholm, Sweden
[photo / video / post / photo] - aug 1] Oslo, Norway
[photo / photo / photo]
Updated on: 18/10/2016.
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